Simply Music is a remarkable, Australian-developed piano method that will have you playing great-sounding music - immediately - from your very first lessons!
Traditional piano lessons require students to learn how to read music as the means of learning how to play. This ‘read first, play later’ approach is slow and frustrating for many. Far too many students never acquire the ability to really play and many more lose their desire to play altogether. Expecting students to read music before they have learned to play, is like expecting toddlers to read before they have learned to talk!
Simply Music uses a revolutionary approach, focusing on the sheer joy of playing and producing immediate results first. Then we introduce reading after you’ve developed a natural connection to the piano and can play a huge repertoire of great-sounding music.
Even if you’ve had no musical experience, this remarkable method guarantees extraordinary results, and will have you playing contemporary, classical, blues, gospel and accompaniment pieces – right from your very first lessons
Four distinguishing features separate Simply Music from traditional programs:
Our overriding goal is to create a culture where people of all ages, easily and readily acquire and maintain music as a lifelong companion. Inside of this main goal, we have the following goals for you as a student: